People Who Do Not Dream

Some people are claiming that they do not experience the feeling of dreaming. Different brain scientists have lots of answers about this situation. Science can help you know the reasons why some people never experience to dream or can’t remember some situations in their dreams. There is a study conducted by Stepansky et al. (1998) with 100 Austrian adults. They concluded that there are 31% of Austrian adults that dreams more than ten times in a month. 37% of the samples are found to have a dream for about to 9 times in a month. And the remaining 32% were reported to have at least one dream within a month.

As far as we know, most of the people in this world have the proper flow of their REM sleep. But some individuals have an improper flow of REM sleep, thus having a rare or zero experience of dreaming. The researchers concluded that you will have a REM stage of sleep with or without a dream and can recall it with a very low possibility.

What Does it Mean When a Person Do Not Dream

There are only a few who do not experience or rarely experiencing a dream. There is for about 5% to 6% of people saying that they do not dream. A person who did not experience to have a dream might have a condition called “dream deprivation.” It is a condition that is similar to sleep deprivation that can contribute to the development of health illnesses.

I know that you are knowledgeable about the significance of having enough sleep. But some people don’t have concrete ideas about how sleep deprivation can contribute to the development of some unhealthy conditions of a person. What about your dreams? Do you ever think of them as you think about your sleep? Can you recall some happenings in your previous dreams? If you can or can’t remember your dream, or you did not experience dreaming, you are at a high risk of developing inflammation, memory loss, and obesity. And these conditions can cause you to have autoimmune troubles.

There is a research conducted by a dream and sleep specialist at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, namely Rubin Naiman, Ph.D., stated that there is a risk that might happen if a person has missed on his REM or rapid eye movement stage of sleep. He also explained that the main reason why some of us don’t experience having a dream or can’t remember happenings in their dream is when a person is “out cold.” Dreaming is an important portion of the repair system of the body. It also plays a very vital role in the memory consolidation and learning process of a person. Dr. Naiman also stated that “we are at least as dream-deprived as we are sleep-deprived.” He also added that “many of our health concerns attributed to sleep loss result from REM sleep deprivation.

Way back in the 1960s, there is a study conducted by researchers concluding that a REM-deprived person can experience hallucinations, delusions, tension, anxiety, irritability, concentration difficulties, and weight gain. But they also concluded that dreaming us also associated with the non-rapid eye movement or the NREM stage of sleep. And these days, many brain scientists stated that whatever is happening in the person’s dream are connected to his or her personality.

What is the Reason for a Person to Have Dream Deprivation?

According to a study, taking too much cannabis and alcohol are some of the reasons for a person to have dream deprivation. Although both cannabis and alcohol are being used by an individual to reduce their anxiety and stress and also improve their nighttime sleep, he always can develop health problems. Alcohol and cannabis release hormones that can distract the REM stage of sleep, and thus, it is also associated with the interruption of a person’s dream.

To sum it up, the main reason why a person experiences dream deprivation is that, he or she don’t see the value of dreams, even though dreams help us to know the things we not yet discovered. Let us turn our “good night sleep” into “a better nighttime sleep.”

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